SOLITUDE (1903), Every two years the silent woods close to the Solitude Palace in Stuttgart Germany, awake almost vanished memories. As time went by, this epic race track as old as motorcycle and automobile history became a mute road. But that weekend in summer, spirits gather and racing Solitude becomes an iconic moment, praising those women, men and bolides who wrote their name in the book of eternity.
Oil and gas scent everywhere, roaring engines and the devils of speed demanding more…
Karsten worked with ND filters to achieve long-exposure effects and blur the surrounding landscape out of the main object. The goal was to find the angle vs shutter speed where the passing car becomes sharp enough to see details and an extra sharp spot somewhere on the vehicle. The objects were passing with up to 130 km/h at no more than 10 m distance, so not much time for viewing every shot. In his lab the selection of several hundred images became a handful worth to share.